Musical (1980)

Musique: Claude-Michel Schonberg
Paroles: Alain Boublil • Jean-Marc Natel
Livret: Alain Boublil • Jean-Marc Natel
Production à la création:

Toulon, 1815 : La scène commence dans le bagne (Le Bagne : Pitié, pitié). Le protagoniste Jean Valjean, No 24601, est finalement libéré après dix-neuf ans de travaux forcés, dont cinq pour avoir volé un pain et quatorze pour avoir tenté de s'échapper. Le policier Javert lui donne un passeport jaune, qu'il faut toujours montrer. Jean Valjean quitte Toulon plein d'espoir d'une nouvelle vie, mais il découvre bien vite que son passé de forçat le fait rejeter partout : s'il trouve du travail, il ne reçoit que la moitié du salaire et aucune auberge ne le reçoit. Seul, l'évêque de Digne lui donne à manger et un lit pour la nuit. Mais Valjean, enhardi par sa longue captivité à Toulon, le repaye en lui volant son argenterie. Capturé, on le ramène à Digne. L'évêque, qui connaît le passé de Valjean, ment pour le sauver et lui donne aussi deux chandeliers en argent. Il lui demande de recommencer une vie honnête avec cet argent. Valjean, stupéfié par la pitié de l'évêque, s'engage à suivre la demande de l'évêque (Pourquoi ai-je permis à cet homme ?).
Acte premier
Montreuil, 1823. Dans une usine, une jeune ouvrière du nom de Fantine reçoit une lettre (Quand un jour est passé). Une autre ouvrière lit la lettre à haute voix et on apprend que Fantine a une fille illégitime. Une bataille éclate parmi les femmes. Le propriétaire de l'usine et maire de la ville, Monsieur Madeleine, surgit. En vérité, il s'agit de Valjean qui a changé d'identité. Il laisse le soin de régler l'affaire à son contremaître qui renvoie Fantine car elle a toujours ignoré ses avances. Une fois seule, elle raconte son histoire, celle de l'homme qu'elle aimait et qui l’abandonna (J'avais rêvé).
Plongée dans la misère et devant toujours plus débourser pour la pension de sa fille, Fantine vend tous ses biens puis ses cheveux et enfin elle-même (Tu viens, chérie). Un de ses clients, qu'elle rejeta, l'accuse de l'avoir agressé. Javert, inspecteur de police à Montreuil, arrête Fantine en ignorant ses prières. Monsieur le maire arrive et prend la défense de Fantine. En découvrant qu'elle est gravement malade, il la fait hospitaliser. Peu après, Valjean sauve un homme en soulevant, seul, une charrette sur lequel elle s'était renversée. Javert se souvient d'un forçat du bagne de Toulon, un dénommé Valjean, le seul homme qu'il pensait capable de soulever un tel poids. Entre temps, on apprend que le forçat Valjean vient d’être arrêté. Le « vrai Valjean », face à un cas de conscience, décide de se livrer pour empêcher qu'un innocent soit condamné à sa place (Comment faire ?). Pour prouver son identité, il montre la flétrissure « 24601 » inscrite sur sa poitrine. Il s'échappe avant qu'on puisse l'arrêter.
Il retourne auprès de Fantine, délirante et pas loin de la mort. Elle lui fait jurer qu'il ira chercher sa fille Cosette (La mort de Fantine). Javert vient arrêter Valjean, qui lui demande trois jours pour aller chercher la petite Cosette. Javert ne croit ni en ces intentions, ni que Valjean pourrait vraiment être devenu un honnête homme (La confrontation). Valjean s’échappe après une courte bataille avec Javert.
À Montfermeil, dans l’auberge des Thénardier. Les Thénardier utilisent Cosette comme servante. La petite rêve d’une meilleure vie (Une poupée dans la vitrine). Mme Thénardier envoie Cosette dans la forêt pour chercher de l’eau, ignorant les pleurs de la petite fille. Le soir, l’auberge est pleine de clients que les Thénardier savent très bien arnaquer (Maître Thénardier). Dans la forêt près de la source, Valjean rencontre Cosette. Il donne 1500 francs au Thénardier pour qu’ils lui laissent emmener Cosette (La Transaction). Cosette et Valjean partent pour Paris.
Paris, 1832. Les pauvres chantent leur misère dans les rues de la ville (Bonjour Paris), parmi eux est le gamin Gavroche. Un groupe d’étudiants, guidé par Enjolras et Marius Pontmercy, prépare la révolution. Thénardier est aussi à Paris. Avec sa femme, sa bande (Brujon, Babet, Claquesous et Montparnasse) et sa fille Éponine, il se prépare à détrousser un bonhomme qui est connu des pauvres pour sa générosité. Éponine parle avec Marius ; il est évident qu’elle est amoureuse de lui. Puis le bonhomme arrive avec une fille de dix-sept ans, ce sont Valjean et Cosette. Marius et Cosette se bousculent et tombent immédiatement amoureux. Parallèlement, le piège de Thénardier se referme sur Valjean. Dans la bataille qui s’ensuit, la chemise de Valjean est déchirée et on découvre sa flétrissure de forçat sur sa poitrine. C’est à ce moment-là que la police fait irruption, plus précisément, Javert arrive. Valjean réussit à s’échapper, et Javert ne comprend qu'après coup que c'est Valjean qui s'est enfui. Il jure qu’il ne faiblirait pas jusqu’à ce qu’il ait arrêté Valjean (Sous les étoiles).
Marius demande à Éponine de lui montrer où Cosette vit. Éponine, qui a déjà compris que Marius est amoureux, le lui promet malgré sa jalousie. Au café ABC, les étudiants sont rassemblés pour préparer leur révolution (Rouge et noir). Quand Marius arrive, ses amis se moquent de son amour pour une fille dont il ne connaît même pas le nom. Gavroche vient annoncer la mort du Général Lamarque, le seul qui défendait les intérêts du peuple. Plus rien n'empêchera l'insurrection d’éclater (À la volonté du peuple).
Dans la rue Plumet où habitent Valjean et Cosette, la jeune fille, assise dans son jardin, rêve de Marius. Pour la première fois, elle questionne Valjean sur son passé, mais il ne répond pas (Dans ma vie) et quitte la maison. Marius et Éponine arrivent. Marius et Cosette s’avouent leur amour (Le cœur au bonheur). Thénardier et sa bande viennent dans l'intention de dévaliser la maison (Le casse de la rue Plumet). Thénardier a retrouvé la piste de Valjean et voudrait lui extorquer de l’argent en pratiquant un chantage sur ce qu'il croit connaître du passé de Valjean. Éponine, pour protéger Marius, l'alerte. Thénardier et sa bande s’enfuient suivis par Marius et Éponine. Quand Valjean revient, Cosette lui dit qu’elle croit avoir vu des ombres derrière le mur. Valjean, craignant que Javert ait retrouvé sa trace, décide de partir pour l’Angleterre avec Cosette.
Dans Le grand jour, tous chantent leur espoir dans le jour qui vient : Valjean espère pouvoir enfin vivre en sécurité tandis que Marius et Cosette déplorent leur séparation, qu'Éponine vit son chagrin d’amour et que les étudiants préparent leur révolution. Javert s'immisce parmi les révolutionnaires pour les espionner alors que les Thénardier projettent de détrousser les futurs cadavres. Enfin, Marius décide de rejoindre ses amis insurgés sur les barricades.
Acte deuxième
La première barricade est construite. Javert reçoit d’Enjolras l'ordre d’espionner les forces du gouvernement. Éponine va à la rue Plumet pour remettre à Cosette une lettre de Marius, mais Valjean lit la lettre le premier, et il découvre l’amour de Cosette. Éponine, triste, décide de rejoindre les révolutionnaires (Mon histoire).
Sur la barricade, les étudiants se moquent du gouvernement qui leur propose la paix. Javert revient avec de mauvaises nouvelles sur les forces armées et les plans gouvernementaux (Javert sur la barricade/Je sais ce qui se trame), mais il est démasqué par Gavroche qui l'a identifié comme policier (C’est la faute à…). Éponine, en retournant à la barricade, a été atteinte par une balle. Elle meurt dans les bras de Marius (Un peu de sang qui pleure). Valjean arrive à son tour (Valjean sur la barricade). Il reconnaît Javert dans le prisonnier des révolutionnaires. Dans La première attaque, il sauve Enjolras en tuant un tireur qui le visait. Quand Enjolras veut le remercier, Valjean lui demande le droit d'exécuter Javert, puis, lorsqu'il est seul avec le policier, il le libère. Les révolutionnaires s’en vont dormir (Souviens-toi des jours passés). Valjean seul reste réveillé et prie pour Marius (Comme un homme). Le jour suivant, on découvre que les munitions sont presque épuisées. Gavroche sort de la barricade pour récupérer des balles sur les cadavres entre les deux fronts, mais il est touché à mort (La seconde attaque/Mort de Gavroche). Dans La dernière attaque, tous les révolutionnaires sont tués sauf Valjean, qui réussit à s’échapper par les égouts en transportant Marius blessé et inconscient, juste avant l’arrivée de Javert. Il découvre la piste de Valjean en comprenant que seul un homme aussi fort que Valjean put soulever la grille des égouts.
Dans les égouts, on retrouve aussi Thénardier qui détrousse les cadavres (Fureurs cannibales). Thénardier reconnaît Valjean, qui sommeillait avec Marius toujours inconscient à ses côtés. Alors que Thénardier s'apprête à le voler, il se réveille et continue son chemin, mais Thénardier a eu le temps de voler une bague de Marius. Quand Valjean arrive à la Seine, Javert est déjà là. Valjean lui demande une heure pour porter Marius chez un docteur, et, cette fois, Javert acquiesce. Javert ne sait plus que penser. Les actions de Valjean le font douter en tout ce en quoi il avait cru jusque là. Un voleur peut-il vraiment devenir honnête homme ? Il comprend que sa foi en une loi inébranlable était une erreur. Il se jette, et se noie dans la Seine (Le suicide de Javert).
Les femmes de Paris pleurent leurs morts (Tourne, tourne). Marius est vivant, mais il pleure lui aussi la perte de ses amis (Seul devant ces tables vides). Il guérit grâce aux soins de Cosette en se demandant toujours qui lui sauva la vie. Valjean confesse son passé à Marius. Ne voulant pas déranger le bonheur de Marius et Cosette, il choisit de quitter leur maison.
C’est le mariage de Cosette et Marius (Sonnez, sonnez). Les Thénardier viennent, cette fois, pour extorquer de l’argent à Marius. Thénardier veut lui vendre un secret : ses informations sur Valjean. D’après lui, Valjean n’est pas seulement qu'un voleur et un ex-forçat ; c'est aussi un assassin. Il le rencontra dans les égouts, le matin après la barricade, transportant un mort sur son dos. Pour prouver son histoire, il montre à Marius la bague qu’il vola au « mort » de Valjean. Marius comprend que Jean Valjean lui sauva la vie et, avec Cosette, ils accourent auprès de Valjean tandis que les Thénardier mettent la fête sens dessus-dessous (Mendiants à la fête).
Valjean, à présent un vieil homme, écrit sa confession dans la lumière des chandeliers de l’évêque. Pendant sa dernière prière, Marius et Cosette arrivent. Marius le remercie pour lui avoir sauvé la vie tandis que Cosette est bouleversée lorsqu'elle découvre que Valjean est au seuil de la mort. À la fin, tous les fantômes des morts (sauf Javert) apparaissent pour chanter encore une fois À la volonté du peuple.

Paris 1980
Londres 1985
Londres 2009

1 Misérables (Les) peut-être considéré comme un Top musical

2 Misérables (Les) peut-être considéré comme un mega-musical.

3 Misérables (Les) est une adaption à la scène d'une oeuvre littéraire: Les Misérables.

Originally released as a French-language concept album, the first musical-stage adaptation of Les Misérables was presented at a Paris sports arena, the Palais des Sports, in 1980. However, the first production closed after three months when the booking contract expired.
In 1983, about six months after producer Cameron Mackintosh had opened Cats on Broadway, he received a copy of the French concept album from director Peter Farago. Farago had been impressed by the work and asked Mackintosh to produce an English-language version of the show. Initially reluctant, Mackintosh eventually agreed. Mackintosh in conjunction with the Royal Shakespeare Company, assembled a production team to adapt the French musical for a British audience. After two years in development, the English-language version opened in London on 8 October 1985, by the Royal Shakespeare Company at the Barbican Centre, then the London home of the RSC. The success of the West End musical led to a Broadway production.
Original French production
French songwriter Alain Boublil had the idea to adapt Victor Hugo's novel into a musical while at a performance of the musical Oliver! in London:
As soon as the Artful Dodger came onstage, Gavroche came to mind. It was like a blow to the solar plexus. I started seeing all the characters of Victor Hugo's Les Misérables—Valjean, Javert, Gavroche, Cosette, Marius, and Éponine—in my mind's eye, laughing, crying, and singing onstage.
He pitched the idea to French composer Claude-Michel Schönberg, and the two developed a rough synopsis. They worked up an analysis of each character's mental and emotional state, as well as that of an audience. Schönberg then began to write the music, while Alain Boublil began work on the text. According to Alain Boublil, "...I could begin work on the words. This I did—after myself deciding on the subject and title of every song—in collaboration with my friend, poet Jean-Marc Natel." Two years later, a two-hour demo tape with Schönberg accompanying himself on the piano and singing every role was completed. An album of this collaboration was recorded at CTS Studios in Wembley and was released in 1980, selling 260,000 copies.
The concept album includes Maurice Barrier as Jean Valjean, Jacques Mercier as Javert, Rose Laurens as Fantine, Yvan Dautin as Thénardier, Marie-France Roussel as Mme. Thénardier, Richard Dewitte as Marius, Fabienne Guyon as Cosette, Marie-France Dufour as Éponine, Michel Sardou as Enjolras, Fabrice Bernard as Gavroche, Maryse Cédolin as Young Cosette, Claude-Michel Schönberg as Courfeyrac, Salvatore Adamo as Combeferre, Michel Delpech as Feuilly, Dominique Tirmont as M. Gillenormand, and Mireille as the hair buyer.
That year, in September 1980, a stage version directed by veteran French film director Robert Hossein was produced at the Palais des Sports in Paris. The show was a success, with 100 performances seen by over 500,000 people.
Most of the cast from the concept album performed in the production. The cast included Maurice Barrier as Valjean, Jean Vallée as Javert, Rose Laurens as Fantine, Maryse Cédolin and Sylvie Camacho and Priscilla Patron as Young Cosette, Marie-France Roussel as Mme. Thénardier, Yvan Dautin as M. Thénardier, Florence Davis and Fabrice Ploquin and Cyrille Dupont as Gavroche, Marianne Mille as Éponine, Gilles Buhlmann as Marius, Christian Ratellin as Enjolras, Fabienne Guyon as Cosette, René-Louis Baron as Combeferre, Dominique Tirmont as M. Gillenormand, Anne Forrez as Mlle. Gillenormand, and Claude Reva as the storyteller.
Original West End production
The English-language version, with lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer and additional material by James Fenton, was substantially expanded and reworked from a literal translation by Siobhan Bracke of the original Paris version, in particular adding a prologue to tell Jean Valjean's backstory. Kretzmer's work is not a direct "translation" of the French, a term that Kretzmer refused to use. A third of the English lyrics were a "rough" translation, another third were adapted from the French lyrics and the final third consisted of new material. The majority is performed in recitative style; the vocalists use natural speech delivery, not musical metrics.
The first production in English, produced by Cameron Mackintosh and adapted and directed by Trevor Nunn and John Caird, opened on 8 October 1985 (five years after the original production) at the Barbican Arts Centre, London. It was billed in the RSC Barbican Theatre programme as "The Royal Shakespeare Company presentation of the RSC/Cameron Mackintosh production", and played to preview performances beginning on 28 September 1985.
The set was designed by John Napier, costumes by Andreane Neofitou and lighting by David Hersey. Musical supervision and orchestrations were by John Cameron, who had been involved with the show since Claude-Michel and Alain hired him to orchestrate the original French concept album. Musical staging was by Kate Flatt with musical direction by Martin Koch.
The original London cast included Colm Wilkinson as Jean Valjean, Roger Allam as Javert, Ken Caswell as the Bishop of Digne, Patti LuPone as Fantine, Zoë Hart, Jayne O'Mahony and Joanne Woodcock as Young Cosette, Danielle Akers, Gillian Brander and Juliette Caton as Young Éponine, Susan Jane Tanner as Madame Thénardier, Alun Armstrong as Thénardier, Frances Ruffelle as Éponine, Rebecca Caine as Cosette, Michael Ball as Marius, David Burt as Enjolras, with Ian Tucker, Oliver Spencer and Liza Hayden sharing the role of Gavroche.
On 4 December 1985, the show transferred to the Palace Theatre, London and moved again on 3 April 2004, to the much more intimate Queen's Theatre, with some revisions of staging and where, as of January 2013, it was still playing. It celebrated its ten-thousandth performance on 5 January 2010. The drummer from the original cast album, Peter Boita, stayed with the show for the first 25 years of its history.
The co-production has generated valuable income for the Royal Shakespeare Company.
Original Broadway production
The musical had its out-of-town tryout at the Kennedy Center's Opera House in Washington D.C., in December 1986 for eight weeks, through February 14, 1987.
The musical then premiered on Broadway on March 12, 1987 at The Broadway Theatre. Colm Wilkinson and Frances Ruffelle reprised their roles from the London production. The $4.5 million production had a more than $4 million advance sale prior to its New York opening.
The show underwent further tightening and an improved sewer lighting and Javert suicide scene effect was incorporated. Boublil explained: "The transfer from London to the United States has prompted further modifications. 'We are taking this opportunity to rethink and perfect, to rewrite some details which probably no one else will see, but which for us are still long nights of work,' Mr. Boublil says. 'There are things that nobody had time to do in London, and here we have a wonderful opportunity to fix a few things. No one will notice, perhaps, but for us, it will make us so happy if we can better this show. We would like this to be the final version.'" Two songs were deleted—the complete version of Gavroche's song "Little People" and the adult Cosette's "I Saw Him Once". A short section at the beginning of "In My Life" replaced "I Saw Him Once". The lyrics in Javert's "Stars" were changed. It now ended with the line, "This I swear by the stars!", while the London production and cast recording ended with the repeated line, "Keeping watch in the night".
The original Broadway cast included Colm Wilkinson as Jean Valjean, David Bryant as Marius, Judy Kuhn as Cosette, Michael Maguire as Enjolras, Frances Ruffelle as Éponine, Braden Danner as Gavroche, Donna Vivino as Young Cosette, Jennifer Butt as Madame Thénardier, Leo Burmester as Thénardier, Randy Graff as Fantine, Terrence Mann as Javert, Chrissie McDonald as Young Éponine, and Norman Large as the Bishop of Digne.
Other members of the original Broadway cast included Kevin Marcum, Paul Harman, Anthony Crivello, John Dewar, Joseph Kolinski, Alex Santoriello, Jesse Corti, Susan Goodman, John Norman, Norman Large, Marcus Lovett, Steve Shocket, Cindy Benson, Marcie Shaw, Jane Bodle, Joanna Glushak, Ann Crumb, Kelli James, Gretchen Kingsley-Weihe, Chrissie McDonald. Michael Hinton was the original drummer and credited on the cast album.
The musical ran at the Broadway Theatre through October 10, 1990, when it moved to the Imperial Theatre. It was scheduled to close on March 15, 2003, but the closing was postponed by a surge in public interest. According to an article in The Scotsman, "Sales picked up last October, when Sir Cameron made the announcement that the show would be closing on March 15th...its closure postponed to May 18th because of an unexpected increase in business." After 6,680 performances in sixteen years, when it closed on May 18, 2003, it was the second-longest-running Broadway musical after Cats. It was surpassed by The Phantom of the Opera, in 2006.
This Broadway production of Les Misérables and its advertising in New York City is a reoccurring theme in American Psycho. The reviewer for the Financial Times wrote that Les Misérables is "the book's hilarious main cultural compass-point".
10th Anniversary Concert
On 8 October 1995, the show celebrated its tenth anniversary with a concert at the Royal Albert Hall. This 10th Anniversary Concert was nearly "complete," missing only a handful of scenes, including "The Death of Gavroche" and the confrontation between Marius and the Thénardiers at the wedding feast. Sir Cameron Mackintosh hand-selected the cast, which became known as the Les Misérables Dream Cast, assembled from around the world, and engaged the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. The concert concluded with seventeen Valjeans from various international productions singing, "Do You Hear the People Sing?" in their native languages. The concert cast included Colm Wilkinson as Jean Valjean, Philip Quast as Javert, Paul Monaghan as the Bishop of Digne, Ruthie Henshall as Fantine, Hannah Chick as Young Cosette, Jenny Galloway as Madame Thénardier, Alun Armstrong as Thénardier, Adam Searles as Gavroche, Michael Maguire as Enjolras, Michael Ball as Marius, Judy Kuhn as Cosette, Lea Salonga as Éponine, and Anthony Crivello as Grantaire. The concert was staged by Ken Caswell and conducted by David Charles Abell.
25th Anniversary International Tour
A tour to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the show began performances on 12 December 2009, at the Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff. Differences from the original production included a new set, new costumes, new direction and alterations to the original orchestrations. The tour also did not use a revolving stage and the scenery was inspired by the paintings of Victor Hugo. Locations have included Manchester, Norwich, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Bristol, Salford, and Southampton. The tour also played a special engagement in Paris. From September through October, the show returned to the Barbican Centre, London, site of the original 1985 production. The tour cast featured John Owen-Jones as Valjean, Earl Carpenter as Javert, Gareth Gates as Marius, Ashley Artus as Thénardier, Lynne Wilmot as Madame Thénardier, Madalena Alberto as Fantine, Rosalind James as Éponine, Jon Robyns as Enjolras, Katie Hall as Cosette (with Eliza Jones as Young Cosette), and David Lawrence as the Bishop of Digne. The tour ended 2 October 2010, at the Barbican.
Since its UK premiere, several international productions based on the 25th Anniversary Tour has been staged in different countries, including Spain, South Korea and Japan.
In the fall of 2010, The tour moved to the US with a new company presented by Broadway Across America to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the show opening on Broadway. The tour had its opening on 19 November 2010 at the Paper Mill Playhouse in Millburn, New Jersey, running until 19 December 2010. This tour originally starred Lawrence Clayton as Valjean, Andrew Varela as Javert, Betsy Morgan as Fantine, Jenny Latimer as Cosette, Justin Scott Brown as Marius, Chasten Harmon as Éponine, Michael Kostroff as Thénardier, Shawna Hamic as Madame Thénardier, Jeremy Hays as Enjolras, Josh Caggiano and Ethan Paul Khusidman as Gavroche, Maya Jade Frank and Juliana Simone alternating as Young Cosette and Young Éponine. J. Mark McVey's daughter, Kylie McVey was the understudy for Young Cosette and Young Éponine. Clayton left the tour in April 2011. Ron Sharpe later took over as Valjean until June 2011. J. Mark McVey was then Valjean, but McVey and his daughter left the tour on 1 April 2012. Peter Lockyer replaces him as Valjean. Betsy Morgan left the tour on December 2, 2012. She was replaced by Genevieve Leclerc. The tour is scheduled to run through 2012, though it is expected to run until 2013 as more cities are added. In 2011 it was reported that the tour is one of six US national Broadway tours that are grossing over $1,000,000 per week.
25th Anniversary Concert
The 25th Anniversary Concert of Les Misérables was held at The O2 in North Greenwich on Sunday, 3 October 2010 at 1:30 pm and 7:00 pm.
It featured Alfie Boe as Jean Valjean, Norm Lewis as Javert, Lea Salonga as Fantine, Nick Jonas as Marius, Katie Hall as Cosette, Jenny Galloway as Madame Thénardier, Ramin Karimloo as Enjolras, Samantha Barks as Éponine, Matt Lucas as Thénardier, Mia Jenkins as Young Cosette, Robert Madge as Gavroche and Earl Carpenter as the Bishop of Digne. (Originally, Camilla Kerslake had been selected to perform as Cosette, however she was unable to attend. Katie Hall was selected in her place. Hall had previously acted the role at the Queen's Theatre from 2009 and in the 25th Anniversary Tour production at the Barbican.) Casts of the current London, international tour, original 1985 London, and several school productions took part, comprising an ensemble of three hundred performers and musicians. The concert was directed by Laurence Connor & James Powell and conducted by David Charles Abell.

Act I
1 "Prologue: Work Song" Chain Gang, Javert and Valjean
2 "Prologue: On Parole" Valjean, Farmer, Labourer, Innkeeper's Wife, Innkeeper and Bishop of Digne
3 "Prologue: Valjean Arrested, Valjean Forgiven" Policemen and Bishop of Digne
4 "Prologue: What Have I Done?" Valjean
5 "At the End of the Day" Poor, Foreman, Workers, Factory Girls, Fantine and Valjean
6 "I Dreamed a Dream" Fantine
7 "Lovely Ladies" Sailors, Old Woman, Fantine, Crone, Whores and Pimp
8 "Fantine's Arrest" Bamatabois, Fantine, Javert and Valjean
9 "'The Runaway Cart" Townspeople, Valjean, Fauchelevant and Javert
10 "Who Am I? / The Trial" Valjean
11 "Fantine's Death: Come to Me" Fantine and Valjean
12 "The Confrontation" Javert and Valjean
13 "Castle on a Cloud" Young Cosette and Madame Thénardier
14 "Master of the House" Thénardier, Madame Thénardier and Customers
15 "The Well Scene" Valjean and Young Cosette
16 "The Bargain / The Thénardier Waltz of Treachery" Thénardier, Valjean, Madame Thénardier and Young Cosette
17 "Look Down" Gavroche, Beggars, Old Woman, Prostitute, Pimp, Enjolras, and Marius
18 "The Robbery" Thénardier, Madame Thénardier, Marius, Éponine and Valjean
19 "Javert's Intervention" Javert and Thénardier
20 "Stars" Javert
21 "Éponine's Errand" Éponine and Marius
22 "ABC Café / Red and Black" Students, Enjolras, Marius, Grantaire and Gavroche
23 "Do You Hear the People Sing?" Enjolras, Grantaire, Students and Beggars
24 "Rue Plumet – In My Life" Cosette, Valjean, Marius and Éponine
25 "A Heart Full of Love" Marius, Cosette and Éponine
26 "The Attack on the Rue Plumet" Thénardier, Thieves, Éponine, Marius, Valjean and Cosette
27 "One Day More" Valjean, Marius, Cosette, Éponine, Enjolras, Javert, Thénardier, Madame Thénardier, Gavroche and Company

Act II
28 "Building the Barricade (Upon These Stones)" Enjolras, Javert, Marius, Éponine and Valjean
29 "On My Own" Éponine
30 "At the Barricade (Upon These Stones)" Enjolras, Students and Army Officer
31 "Javert's Arrival" Javert and Enjolras
32 "Little People" Gavroche, Students, Enjolras and Javert
33 "A Little Fall of Rain" (Éponine's Death) Éponine and Marius
34 "Night of Anguish" Enjolras, Marius, Valjean and Students
35 "The First Attack" Enjolras, Grantaire, Students, Valjean and Javert
36 "Drink with Me" Grantaire, Students, Women and Marius
37 "Bring Him Home" Valjean
38 "Dawn of Anguish" Enjolras and Students
39 "The Second Attack (Death of Gavroche)" Gavroche, Enjolras, Marius, Valjean, Feuilly and Students
40 "The Final Battle" Army Officer, Enjolras, Grantaire and Students
41 "Dog Eats Dog (The Sewers)" Thénardier
42 "Soliloquy (Javert's Suicide)" Javert and Valjean
43 "Turning" Women of Paris
44 "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables" Marius
45 "Every Day" Cosette, Marius and Valjean
46 "Valjean's Confession" Marius and Valjean
47 "Wedding Chorale" Guests, Thénardier, Marius and Madame Thénardier
48 "Beggars at the Feast" Thénardier and Madame Thénardier
49 "Valjean's Death" Valjean, Fantine, Cosette, Marius and Éponine
50 "Do You Hear The People Sing? (Reprise) / [Finale]" Full Company

Jean Valjean: Prisoner 24601. After being released from imprisonment for serving nineteen years (five for stealing a loaf of bread and fourteen for multiple escape attempts), he decides to break his parole and turns his life around, proving that the corrupt can make themselves virtuous and selfless once more. He changes his identity, becoming the wealthy mayor of a small town. He later adopts Cosette, the only daughter of Fantine. At the end, he eventually dies and the spirit of Fantine thanks him for raising her child.
Inspector Javert: Respects the law above all else and relentlessly pursues Valjean, hoping to bring the escaped convict to justice. He firmly believes that humans cannot change for the better. In the end he commits suicide.
The Bishop of Digne: Houses Valjean after his release from jail and gives him gifts of silver and absolution. His acts of kindness inspire Valjean to improve himself and escape the label of "criminal."
The Factory Foreman: Foreman of Valjean's (Valjean has assumed the name Madeleine) jet bead factory in Montreuil-sur-Mer which employs Fantine and other workers. The Foreman fires Fantine from the factory when she persists in resisting his overt sexual advances and because it is discovered that she is the mother of an illegitimate child (Cosette) living elsewhere.
The Factory Girl: In the original Broadway and London versions of the musical, the Factory Girl is mistress to the Factory Foreman. The Factory Girl discovers that the Foreman has his eyes set on bedding Fantine, so she does what she believes is necessary to see to it that Fantine gets fired. At the factory (in "At the End of the Day"), the Factory Girl intercepts a letter that the Thénardiers have sent to Fantine requesting that Fantine send them more money to care for Cosette who is ill (a lie). The letter exposes Fantine as the mother of an illegitimate child, and the Factory Girl shows it to the Foreman, insisting that Fantine be fired. The Foreman complies.
Fantine: A poor worker who loses her job and, as a result, turns to prostitution in order to continue paying the Thénardiers to care for her illegitimate daughter, Cosette. As Fantine dies of consumption, she asks Valjean to look after her child. Ultimately she appears as a spirit and escorts the dying Valjean to Heaven.
Old Woman: Affectionately called "The Hair Hag" in many of the original US companies, the Old Woman is the character who talks Fantine into selling her hair before Fantine becomes a prostitute.
Crone: Also called "The Locket Crone," this character is the woman who talks Fantine into selling her precious locket for much less than it is worth.
Bamatabois: An upper-class "fop" who tries to buy Fantine's services. He treats her abusively so she refuses him. When Javert enters the scene, Bamatabois tries to cover the fact that he was soliciting a prostitute by having her arrested for attacking him.
Fauchelevent: In a role reduced from the novel, Fauchelevent appears only in the Cart Crash scene, where he is trapped under the cart and rescued by Valjean. He is an elderly man who has fallen upon hard times.
Champmathieu: A man who is arrested and on trial because he is believed to be Jean Valjean. Valjean, still under the name Madeleine, confesses his true identity at the trial in order to save the man.
Young Cosette: The eight-year-old daughter of Fantine. Cosette is in the care of the Thénardiers who are paid by Fantine to take care of her child. Unknown to Fantine, the Thénardiers force Cosette to work, and they use Fantine's money for their own needs.
Madame Thénardier: Thénardier's unscrupulous wife.
Young Éponine: Eight-year-old Éponine is the pampered daughter of the Thénardiers. She grows up with Cosette and is unkind to her.
Thénardier: A second-rate thief, Thénardier runs a small inn.
Gavroche: Gavroche is a streetwise urchin who dies on the barricade helping the revolutionaries. He is actually the abandoned son of the Thénardiers, though this is not mentioned in the musical.
Enjolras: Enjolras is the leader of the student revolutionaries and a friend of Marius.
Marius Pontmercy: Marius, a student revolutionary, is friends with Éponine, but falls in love with Cosette, and she with him. He is later rescued from the barricades by Valjean, who ultimately gives Marius and Cosette his blessing, allowing them to be married.
Éponine: Daughter of the Thénardiers, Éponine, now ragged and a waif, secretly loves Marius. She is killed while returning to the barricades to see Marius. In the end she appears as a spirit alongside Fantine and they guide the dying Valjean to Heaven.
Brujon: The brutish and cowardly but dissatisfied member of Thénardier's Gang, Brujon's role in the musical expands to cover Gueulemer.
Babet: A foreboding member of Thénardier's Gang.
Claquesous: Quiet and masked, expert at evading the police, Claquesous might in fact be working for the law.
Montparnasse: A young member of Thénardier's Gang, Montparnasse a handsome man appears to be close to Éponine.
Cosette: Cosette, the daughter of Fantine, has grown-up to become a beautiful young woman of culture and privilege under Valjean's adoptive and loving fatherly care and protection. She falls in love with Marius, and he returns her equally strong and pure romantic feelings. She marries him at the end of the musical.
Friends of the ABC: Student revolutionaries who lead a revolution and die in the process, the Friends of the ABC become martyrs for the rights of citizens. (See Members listed below)
Combeferre: Combeferre is the philosopher of the ABC group. Enjolras' second-in-command. He is described as the guide of the Friends of the ABC.
Feuilly: Feuilly is the only member of the Friends of the ABC who is not a student; he is a workingman. An optimist who stands as a sort of ambassador for the "outside," while the rest of the men stand for France. He loves Poland very much.
Courfeyrac: Friendly and open, Courfeyrac introduces Marius to the ABC society in the novel. He always has many mistresses, and is described as the centre of the Friends of the ABC, always giving off warmth.
Joly: A medical student and a hypochondriac; best friends with Lesgles.
Grantaire: Grantaire is a member of the Friends of the ABC. Though he in love with Enjolras and is one of his truest friends, Grantaire often opposes Enjolras' fierce determination and occasionally acts as a voice of reason. Grantaire is also very close to Gavroche and attempts to act as his protector. Grantaire has a weakness for spirits of the alcoholic kind and is often tipsy throughout the musical, carrying a bottle of wine wherever he goes.
Jean Prouvaire: Prouvaire is the youngest student member of the Friends. He is a poet and embodies the Romantic Era. He affects the medieval spelling "Jehan" and grows flowers. Jean Prouvaire has the honor of waving the giant red flag during "One Day More" at the end of Act One.
Lesgles: Best friends with Joly. A very unlucky man, but also a very happy one

Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Misérables (Les)

Aucun dossier informatif complémentaire concernant Misérables (Les)

Version 1

Misérables (Les) (1980-09-Palais des Sports-Paris)

Type de série: Original
Théâtre: Palais des Sports (Paris - France)
Durée : 2 mois 4 semaines
Nombre : 107 représentations
Première Preview : 17 September 1980
Première: 17 September 1980
Dernière: 14 December 1980
Mise en scène : Robert Hossein
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Avec: Maurice Barrier (Jean Valjean), Jean Vallée (Javert), Rose Laurens (Fantine), Yvan Dautin (M. Thénardier), Marie-France Roussel (Mme Thénardier), Maryse Cédolin / Sylvie Camacho / Priscilla Patron (Cosette enfant), Cyrille Dupont / Fabrice Ploquin / Florence Davis (Gavroche), Gilles Buhlmann (Marius), Marianne Mille (Éponine),
Fabienne Guyon (Cosette jeune fille), Christian Ratellin (Enjolras), Dominique Tirmont (M. Gillenormand), Anne Forrez (Mme Gillenormand), René-Louis Baron (Combeferre), Claude Reva (le conteur)
Commentaires : Prévue pour huit semaines minimum, la comédie musicale reste à l'affiche seize semaines, le Palais des sports n'étant plus disponible au-delà. En 107 représentations, elle réunit près de 500 000 spectateurs.

Version 2

Misérables (Les) (1988-09-Raimund Theater-Vienne)

Type de série: Revival
Théâtre: Raimund Theater (Vienne - Autriche)
Durée : 1 an 6 mois 2 semaines
Nombre :
Première Preview : 15 September 1988
Première: 15 September 1988
Dernière: 31 March 1990
Mise en scène : Trevor Nunn • John Caird
Chorégraphie : Kate Flatt
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Avec: Reinhard Brussmann (Jean Valjean), Norbert Lamla (Javert), Sona MacDonald (Fantine), Martina Dorak (Cosette), Jane Comerford (Eponine), Susanne Altschul (Madame Thénardier), Franz Csencsits (Monsieur Thénardier), Alexander Diepold (Enjolras), Felix Martin (Marius), Paul Welterlen (Grantaire/Bamatabois), Peter Thunhart (Combeferre), Thomas Sigwald (Feuilly), Dean Welterlen (Montparnasse), Henri Menendez (Courfeyrac), Stefan Huber (Jean Prouvaire/Zuhälter), Marcello de Nardo (Babet), Doug Jones (Joly), Jesse Webb (Claquesous/Zuhälter), John Wiseman (Brujon/Vorarbeiter), Peter Zeug (Bischof/Lesgles), Marika Lichter (Alte Bettlerin/1. Hure), Annika Bruhns (Hure/Fabrikarbeiterin), Ester Stein (Hure/Fabrikarbeiterin), Morenike Fadayomi (Straßenjunge 1), Andrea Weiss (Straßenjunge 2), Michaela Fussi (1. Fabrikarbeiterin), Ruth Hale (Alte Frau/Fabrikarbeiterin), Patricia Simpson (Junge Prostituierte), Aris Sas (Gavroche), Leni Tanzer (Kleine Cosette), Jasmin Madwar (Kleine Eponine)

Version 3

Misérables (Les) (1991-02-Carré Theater-Amsterdam)

Type de série: Revival
Théâtre: Carré (Koninlijk Theater) (Amsterdam - Pays-Bas)
Durée : 7 mois 3 semaines
Nombre :
Première Preview : 28 February 1991
Première: 28 February 1991
Dernière: 20 October 1991
Mise en scène : Trevor Nunn • John Caird
Chorégraphie : Kate Flatt
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Commentaires longs: Il s'agit du musical fondateur de ce que va devenir l'industrie musicale hollandaise. Il s'agit tout d'abord de l'une des premières mégaproductions signée Joop van den Ende. Mais aussi bon nombre de jeune chanteurt vont ici faire leur premiers pas dans le monde des musicals, avant de devenir des stars du genre: Pia Douwes (Fantine), Vera Mann (Eponine), Danny de Munk (Marius), Stanley Burleson (Montparnasse), Uwe Kröger (Feuilly).

Version 4

Misérables (Les) (1991-10-Théâtre Mogador-Paris)

Type de série: Revival
Théâtre: Théâtre Mogador (Paris - France)
Durée : 7 mois
Nombre :
Première Preview : 23 October 1991
Première: 23 October 1991
Dernière: 24 May 1992
Mise en scène : Trevor Nunn • John Caird
Chorégraphie : Kate Flatt
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Avec: Robert Marien (Valjean), Patrick Rocca (Javert), Laurent Gendron (Thenardier), Julien Combey (Enjolras), Jérôme Pradon (Marius), Stephanie Martin (Eponine), Marie France Roussel (Mme Thenardier), Louise Pitre (Fantine), Marie Zamora (Cosette), Renaud Marx (Grantaire)

Version 5

Misérables (Les) (1991-12-Fortis Circustheater-Scheveningen)

Type de série: Revival
Théâtre: Afas Circustheater (Scheveningen - Pays-Bas)
Durée : 3 mois
Nombre :
Première Preview : 06 December 1991
Première: 06 December 1991
Dernière: 08 March 1992
Mise en scène : Trevor Nunn • John Caird
Chorégraphie : Kate Flatt
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Avec: Jean Valjean: Henk Poort, Ronald Beerepoot, Robert Valter / Javert: Ernst Daniël Smid, Peter De Smet, Bas Groenenberg / Enjolras: Bill van Dijk, Uwe Kröger, Rik Luycx, Alberto ter Doest / Marius: Danny de Munk, Dennis Kivit, Rolf Koster, Edwin de Jongh / Fantine: Pia Douwes, Betty Vermeulen, Lizzy Haslinghuis / Cosette: Joke de Kruijf, Margot Giselle, Marika Lansen / Eponine: Vera Mann, Marika Lansen, Marjolein Spijkers / Monsieur Thénardier: Paul de Leeuw, Door van Boeckel, Bert Luttjeboer, Arthur Schlemper, Filip Bolluyt / Madame Thénardier: Simone Kleinsma, Irene Kuiper, Doris Baaten
Commentaires : Prolongation des représentations jouées depuis le 28/2/1991 au Carré Theater d'Amsterdam

Version 6

Misérables (Les) (1996-01-Musichall Theater-Duisburg)

Type de série: Revival
Théâtre: Theater am Marientor (Duisburg - Allemagne)
Durée : 3 ans 10 mois 1 semaine
Nombre :
Première Preview : Inconnu
Première: 26 January 1996
Dernière: 28 November 1999
Mise en scène : Trevor Nunn • John Caird
Chorégraphie : Kate Flatt
Producteur :
Star(s) :

Version 7

Misérables (Les) (1998-05-Stadsschouwburg-Antwerpen)

Type de série: Revival
Théâtre: Stadsschouwburg (Anvers - Belgique)
Durée : 11 mois
Nombre :
Première Preview : 24 May 1998
Première: 24 May 1998
Dernière: 25 April 1999
Mise en scène : Trevor Nunn • John Caird
Chorégraphie : Kate Flatt
Producteur :
Star(s) :

Version 8

Misérables (Les) (2003-09-Theater des Westens-Berlin)

Type de série: Revival
Théâtre: Theater des Westens (Berlin - Allemagne)
Durée : 1 an 3 mois 1 semaine
Nombre :
Première Preview : 26 September 2003
Première: 26 September 2003
Dernière: 31 December 2004
Mise en scène : Trevor Nunn • John Caird
Chorégraphie : Kate Flatt
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Avec: Olegg Vynnyk (Jean Valjean), Uwe Kröger (Javert), Ann Christin Elverum (Fantine), Vera Bolten (Eponine / Cover Fantine), Lucius Wolter (Marius), Martin Pasching (Enjolras), Ulrich Wiggers (Monsieur Thénardier), Heike Wiltrud Schmitz (Madame Thénardier), Valerie Link (Cosette), Eva Maria Bender (Cover Fabrikarbeiterin / Swing), Kasper Holmboe (Bischof von Digne / Cover Jean Valjean / Cover Javert / Ensemble), Marcus Hezel (Feuilly / Cover Enjolras / Ensemble), Nico Gaik (Joly / Ensemble), Seth Lerner (Bamatabois / Coureferac / Cover Jean Valjean / Ensemble), Karim Khawatmi (Grantaire / Fabrikarbeiter / Cover Javert / Cover Bischof von Digne / Ensemble), Chris Murray (Claquesous / Cover Jean Valjean / Cover Javert / Ensemble), Oliver Mülich (Babet / Cover Monsieur Thénardier / Cover Bamatabois / Cover Bischof von Digne / Ensemble), Tim Reichwein (Combeferre / Cover Marius / Cover Bischof von Digne / Cover Fabrikarbeiter / Ensemble), Christian Schleicher (Brujon / Fabrikarbeiter / Swing), Carl van Wegberg (Montparnasse / Cover Marius / Cover Bamatabois / Ensemble), Christiane Heinke (Fabrikarbeiterin / Cover Fantine / Ensemble), Tilmann von Blomberg (Pouvraire / Cover Monsieur Thénardier / Cover Fabrikarbeiter / Cover Grantaire / Ensemble), Mark Derichs (Cover Enjolras / Cover Grantaire / Swing), Henriette Grawwert (Cover Eponine / Cover Fabrikarbeiterin / Ensemble), Patricia Gressley (Cover Madame Thénardier / Ensemble), Monica Gugganig (Cover Fantine / Ensemble), Jessica Kessler (Cover Eponine / Ensemble), Christian Alexander Müller (Cover Enjolras / Swing), Claudie Reinhard (Cover Madame Thénardier / Swing), Veit Schäfermeier (Cover Monsieur Thénardier / Swing), Liv Eirin Pedersen (Cover Eponine / Ensemble), Tillmann Schnieders (Cover Marius / Swing), Heidelinde Schuster (Cover Cosette / Swing), Jana Stelley (Cover Eponine / Ensemble), Ina Trabesinger (Cover Cosette / Ensemble), Wiebke Wiedeck (Cover Madame Thénardier / Ensemble), Wiebke Wötzel (Cover Cosette / Ensemble), Thomas Hurter (Ensemble), Philipp Hägeli (Swing), Timo Röder (Swing)

Version 9

Misérables (Les) (2006-10-Broadhurst Theatre-Broadway)

Type de série: Revival
Théâtre: Broadhurst Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 1 an 1 mois 4 semaines
Nombre : 17 previews - 463 représentations
Première Preview : 24 October 2006
Première: 09 November 2006
Dernière: 06 January 2008
Mise en scène : Trevor Nunn • John Caird
Chorégraphie : Kate Flatt
Producteur :
Star(s) :

Version 10

Misérables (Les) (2006-10-Freilichtspiele Tecklenburg-Tecklenburg)

Type de série: Revival
Théâtre: Freilichtspiele Tecklenburg (Tecklenburg - Allemagne)
Durée : 2 mois
Nombre :
Première Preview : 24 June 2006
Première: 24 June 2006
Dernière: 26 August 2006
Mise en scène : Trevor Nunn • John Caird
Chorégraphie : Kate Flatt
Producteur :
Star(s) :

Version 11

Misérables (Les) (2007-02-Stadttheater-Baden)

Type de série: Revival
Théâtre: Stadttheater (Baden - Autriche)
Durée : 1 mois
Nombre : 17 représentations
Première Preview : 17 February 2007
Première: 17 February 2007
Dernière: 25 March 2007
Mise en scène : Robert Herzl
Chorégraphie : Kate Flatt
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Commentaires longs: Il s'agit de l'une des premières versions où une mise en scène alternative a été autorisée…
Le cast principal comprend: Johanna Arrouas (Eponine) / Katrin Fuchs (Cosette) / Darius Merstein-MacLeod (Valjean) / Chris Murray (Javert) / Patricia Nessy (Fantine) / Claudia Rohnefeld (Gavroche) / Aris Sas (Enjolras) / Zoltán Tombor (Marius)

Version 12

Misérables (Les) (2008-04-Nieuw Luxor Teater-Rotterdam)

Type de série: Revival
Théâtre: Nieuw Luxor Theater (Rotterdam - Pays-Bas)
Durée : 8 mois 2 semaines
Nombre :
Première Preview : 01 April 2008
Première: 20 April 2008
Dernière: 04 January 2009
Mise en scène : Trevor Nunn • John Caird
Chorégraphie : Kate Flatt
Producteur :
Star(s) :

Version 13

Misérables (Les) (2009-01-Carré Theater-Amsterdam)

Type de série: Revival
Théâtre: Carré (Koninlijk Theater) (Amsterdam - Pays-Bas)
Durée : 1 mois
Nombre :
Première Preview : 17 January 2009
Première: 17 January 2009
Dernière: 22 February 2009
Mise en scène : Trevor Nunn • John Caird
Chorégraphie : Kate Flatt
Producteur :
Star(s) :

Version 14

Misérables (Les) (2010-05-Théâtre du Châtelet-Paris)

Type de série: Revival
Théâtre: Théâtre du Châtelet (Paris - France)
Durée : 1 mois 1 semaine
Nombre :
Première Preview : 28 May 2010
Première: 28 May 2010
Dernière: 04 July 2010
Mise en scène : Laurence Connor • James Powell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Avec: John Owen-Jones (Jean Valjean), Earl Carpenter (Javert), Gareth Gates (Marius), Madaleno Alberto (Fantine), Katie Hall (Cosette), Ashlay Artus (Thénardier), Lynne Wilmot (Mme Thénardier), Rosalind James (Eponine), Jon Robyns (Enjolras)
Commentaires : Dans le cadre d’une tournée internationale célébrant son quart de siècle, Les Misérables s’offre une nouvelle mise en scène sous la houlette de Laurence Connor et James Powell.

Version 15

Misérables (Les) (2010-10-O2 Arena-London) Concert 25ème anniversaire

Type de série: Concert
Théâtre: O2 Arena (Londres - Angleterre)
Durée :
Nombre : 2 représentations
Première Preview : 03 October 2010
Première: 03 October 2010
Dernière: 03 October 2010
Mise en scène : Laurence Connor • James Powell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Avec: A company of over 300 actors and musicians, including Ramin Karimloo (Enjolras), Samantha Barks (Eponine), Alfie Boe (Jean Valjean), Nick Jonas (Marius), Norm Lewis (Javert), Matt Lucas (Ténardier), Lea Salonga (Fantine), Jenny Galloway (Madame Thénardier), Camilla Kerslake (Cosette, Mia Jenkins (Young Cosette ), Robert Madge (Gavroche), Earl Carpenter (Bishop of Digne) and the casts of the Original Production at the Queen's Theatre, the New 25th Anniversary Production at the Barbican, London and members of the Original 1985 London cast.
Commentaires : Casts of the current London, international tour and original 1985 London productions took part, comprising an ensemble of three hundred performers and musicians This special concert celebrating the show’s 25 th anniversary was marked by the increasingly bitter dispute between Cameron Mackintosh and Trevor Nunn, the original director. Sir Trevor’s sense of betrayal seems to have grown since he was not appointed to direct the new touring version and has deepened because he is not directing this special two-performance concert. Asked if he and Sir Trevor were on speaking terms, Sir Cameron said: "No, actually, and given that Trevor Nunn is about to take over the chair this month of my professorship at Oxford, I just think Trevor's been very silly. Trevor is entitled to his own opinion, but it's sad. He hasn't actually directed Les Miserables on his own, or at all really, since 1987. I sent him a little note saying, 'Don't be so silly. Your memory is as bad as your manners'. But listen, I've got nothing to talk to him about. Trevor sees the world the way he sees it." Sir Cameron said that co-director John Caird, unlike Sir Trevor, has been "an utter gentleman" about things.

Version 16

Misérables (Les) (2010-11-25 th ann. US Tour)

Type de série: Revival
Théâtre: US Tour ( - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 9 mois 4 semaines
Nombre :
Première Preview : 29 November 2010
Première: 29 November 2010
Dernière: 25 September 2011
Mise en scène : Laurence Connor • James Powell
Chorégraphie : Aucun
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Commentaires longs: Paper Mill Playhouse [Millburn, NJ] 11/29/2010 - 12/30/2010 = Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts [Philadelphia, PA] 1/4/2011 - 1/16/2011 = Broward Center for the Performing Arts [Fort Lauderdale, FL] 1/18/2011 - 1/30/2011 = The Hippodrome Theatre [France-Merrick Performing Arts Center] [Baltimore, MD] 3/1/2011 - 3/6/2011 = Kentucky Center for the Arts [Louisville, KY] 3/8/2011 - 3/13/2011 = Ohio Theatre [Columbus, OH] 3/15/2011 - 3/20/2011 = Fisher Theatre [Detroit, MI] 3/22/2011 - 4/3/2011 = Palace Theatre at PlayhouseSquare [Cleveland, OH] 4/5/2011 - 4/17/2011 = Uihlein Hall [Marcus Center for the Performing Arts] [Milwaukee, WI] 4/19/2011 - 4/24/2011 = Orpheum Theater [Omaha, NE] 4/26/2011 - 5/1/2011 = Walton Arts Center [Fayetteville, AR] 5/3/2011 - 5/8/2011 = Overture Center For the Arts [Madison, WI] 5/10/2011 - 5/15/2011 = Andrew Jackson Hall [Tennessee Performing Arts Center] [Nashville, TN] 5/17/2011 - 5/22/2011 = Capitol Theatre [Salt Lake City, UT] 5/24/2011 - 6/5/2011 = Ahmanson Theatre [Los Angeles, CA] 6/4/2011 - 7/31/2011 = Gammage Auditorium [Tempe, AZ] 6/7/2011 - 6/12/2011 = Richard B. Keller Auditorium [Portland, OR] 8/2/2011 - 8/7/2011 = Buell Theatre [Denver Center for the Performing Arts] [Denver, CO] 8/31/2011 - 9/4/2011 = BJCC Concert Hall [Birmingham, AL] 9/20/2011 - 9/25/2011

Version 17

Misérables (Les) (2014-03-Imperial Theatre-Broadway)

Type de série: Revival
Théâtre: Imperial Theatre (Broadway - Etats-Unis)
Durée : 2 ans 5 mois 2 semaines
Nombre :
Première Preview : 01 March 2014
Première: 23 March 2014
Dernière: 04 September 2016
Mise en scène : Laurence Connor • James Powell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Presse : Les critiques sont très bonnes:

"Scenic tweaking aside, and an orchestra shrunk to 20 from 27, this 'Les Miz' will offend none of the musical’s fans with any directorial innovations, and will give them a chance to assess how a new generation of performers meets the challenges of the score." Charles Isherwood for New York Times

"It arrives with fine new orchestrations that allow us to again hear the score’s many riches live, without the extreme closeups pocking the Hollywood version." Joe Dziemianowicz for New York Daily News

"People don’t just sing, they belt to the heavens. And in this new revival, you mostly soar with them." Elisabeth Vincentelli for New York Post

"There's nothing startlingly different, but, under the direction of Laurence Connor and James Powell, it's been freshly conceived, with new staging and design ideas — there are projections based on Hugo's drawings — and thoughtful acting choices that, all together, make the show a more intimate experience." Robert Feldberg for The Record

"This reboot feels faster, grittier, gloomier and, above all, more emphatic than ever, which is saying something for a show that was always an unrelenting assault on the tear ducts." David Rooney for The Hollywood Reporter

"Unlike the tentative 2006 revival, this one is a solid piece of theatrical architecture, built to survive every critical arrow shot through its heart." Marilyn Stasio for Variety

Version 18

Misérables (Les) (2017-03-Palais des Congrès-Paris)

Type de série: Concert
Théâtre: Palais des Congrès (Paris - France)
Durée :
Nombre : 4 représentations
Première Preview : 04 March 2017
Première: 04 March 2017
Dernière: 05 March 2017
Mise en scène :
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Avec: Jean Valjean (Xavier Mauconduit), Javert (Pierre Michel Dudan), Fantine (Ita Graffin), Cosette (June Van der Esch), Mme Thénardier (Christina Koubbi), Mr Thénardier (Ronan Debois), Eponine (Marine André), Marius (Jean-Christophe Born), Enjolras (Mickael Roupie), Anne-Aurore Cochet, Anne-Laure Triebel, Marie-Laure Conjaerts, Sophie Lephay, Pauline-Amy Lena, Valentin Ferrari, Arnaud Masclet, Laurent Herbaut, Romain Dayez…
Commentaires : Les Misérables en concert va être le concert événement de 2017 ! Il sera au Palais des Congrès de Paris les 4 et 5 mars et en tournée dans toute la France du 28 février au 19 mars.

Version 19

Misérables (Les) (2018-06-Freilichtspiele-Tecklenburg)

Type de série: Revival
Théâtre: Freilichtspiele Tecklenburg (Tecklenburg - Allemagne)
Durée : 2 mois 3 semaines
Nombre :
Première Preview : 22 June 2018
Première: 22 June 2018
Dernière: 15 September 2018
Mise en scène : Ulrich Wiggers
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Star(s) :

Version 20

Misérables (Les) (2019-08-Gielgud Theatre-London) The All-Star Staged Concert

Type de série: Concert
Théâtre: Gielgud Theatre (Londres - Angleterre)
Durée : 3 mois 3 semaines
Nombre :
Première Preview : 10 August 2019
Première: 10 August 2019
Dernière: 30 November 2019
Mise en scène :
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Avec: Michael Ball, Alfie Boe, Carrie Hope Fletcher, Matt Lucas, Katy Secombe, John Owen-Jones, Rob Houchen, Bradley Jaden, Shan Ako, Lily Kerhoas, Rosanna Bates, Adam Bayjou, Ciarán Bowling, Simon Bowman, Oliver Brenin, Earl Carpenter, Vinny Coyle, Samantha Dorsey, Tamsin Dowsett, Nicola Espallardo, Celia Graham, Barnaby Hughes, Holly-Anne Hull, Oliver Jackson, Christopher Jacobsen, Gavin James, Will Jennings, Ciaran Joyce, Katie Kerr, Sarah Lark, Joanna Loxton, Craig Mather, Stephen Matthews, James Nicholson, Rosa O’Reilly, Claire Parrish, Sophie Reeves, Grainne Renihan, Leo Roberts, Raymond Walsh, Gemma Wardle and Andrew York.
Commentaires : Michael Ball, Alfie Boe, Carrie Hope Fletcher and Matt Lucas star in a special concert production of Les Miserables in London at the Gielgud Theatre in the West End.
The concert production of the Les Miserables musical opened temporarily to the Gielgud Theatre in the summer with this concert production, running from 10th August 2019 while the Queen’s Theatre, now renamed the Sondheim Theatre, is refurbished.
Michael Ball returns to the production after he starred in its London premiere at the Barbican in 1985. Ball played Marius Pontmercy in the original production, which quickly transferred to the Palace Theatre in the West End. Ball will play Javert in this special concert production of the musical.
Alfie Boe plays Jean Valjean in the musical. Ball and Boe have previously toured the country together on numerous occasions, and have released two number one albums together. Boe has previously performed the role of Jean Valjean in the musical at the Queen's in 2011.
Les Miserables In Concert also features Carrie Hope Fletcher, who heads back to where her career began as a child playing Young Eponine in the musical in 2001. She returned to the production in 2013 to play the older version of the character, and will take on the role of Fantine in the show in this concert production.
Matt Lucas also appears in the concert. The Little Britain actor takes on the role of Thénardier in the concert after he played the part at a 25th anniversary concert of the show in 2010, and then took on the role in the full West End production in 2011.

Version 21

Misérables (Les) (2019-12-Sondheim Theatre-London)

Type de série: Revival
Théâtre: Sondheim Theatre (Londres - Angleterre)
Durée : 10 mois
Nombre :
Première Preview : 18 December 2019
Première: 18 December 2019
Dernière: Open end
Mise en scène : Laurence Connor • James Powell
Chorégraphie :
Producteur :
Star(s) :
Avec: Jon Robyns, Bradley Jaden, Gerard Carey, Carrie Hope Fletcher, Shan Ako, Josefina Gabrielle, Ashley Gilmour, Lily Kerhoas, Rachelle Ann Go, Kelly Agbowu, Ciarán Bowling, Richard Carson, Rodney Earl Clarke, Matthew Dale, Matt Dempsey, Harry Dunnett, Jessie Hart, Jessica Joslin, Sarah Lark, Georgie Lovatt, Ellie Ann Lowe, Luke McCall, Leo Miles, Claire O’Leary, Shane O’Riordan, Kathy Peacock, Sam Peggs, Mark Pearce, Emma Warren, Sake Wijers, Mared Williams and Samuel Wyn-Morris.
Commentaires : Après la fermeture du Queen Theatre pour rénovations le 13 juillet 2019, le très long "London Run" de Les Misérables (commencé le 28 septembre 1985 au Barbican) prend fin. Cette série est actuellement la plus longue de tous les temps pour une comédie musicale.

La nouvelle version ici présentée est celle qu avait été crée pour l'anniversaire des 25 ans du spectacle, celle qui se joue désormais dans le monde entier.

Susan Boyle - Britain's Got Talent - 2009

21 janvier 2009

Qualité: ***** Intérêt: *****
Anglais Durée:


Misérables (Les) (2004-04-Queen's-London)

Qualité: ***** Intérêt: *****
Anglais Durée:

2014 Tony Awards

Misérables (Les) (2014-03-Imperial Theatre-Broadway)

Ramin karimloo et le cast de Les miserables de Broadway chantent "One day more!" Ramin Karimloo (Jean Valjean), Will Swenson (Javert), Samantha Hill (Cosette), Nikki M. James (Éponine), Kyle Scatliffe (Enjolras), Cliff Saunders (Thénardier), Keala Settle (Madame Thénardier), Andy Mientus (Marius)

Qualité: ***** Intérêt: *****
Anglais Durée: